The latest statistics are downright alarming:
- At KPSC, our COVID-19 positive inpatient census is higher than the peak we reached in April, and it continues to climb.
- California recorded nearly twice the number of coronavirus cases in June as it did in May.
- Hospitalizations have more than tripled in San Bernardino County and more than doubled in Orange, Riverside and Ventura Counties since Memorial Day.
- In the first 8 days of July, roughly 65% of new infections have been diagnosed among those 18 to 49 (even though only 45% of Californians fall into that age range).
This virus is vicious and stealthy. We may think we have turned a corner, or that we can relax our habits, but the statistics make one thing clear: We cannot let down our guard.
What will it take? Read the message from Julie Miller-Phipps and Ed Ellison, MD.