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KPSC Receives Excellent Accreditation in NCQA National Report Card


The National Committee for Quality Assurance, which issues report cards to health care organizations based on measurement, transparency and accountability, has awarded Kaiser Permanente Southern California with its highest status of “Excellent Accreditation.”

The 3-year accreditation follows a rigorous and extensive survey of our organization’s Commercial and Medicare operations in the Southern California Region.

“Our medical teams go above and beyond to care for the health and well-being of our 4.6 million Southern California members by delivering high-quality, affordable and compassionate care day in and day out, year after year,” said Julie Miller-Phipps, president, KFHP/H, Kaiser Permanente Southern California, “This is a testament to the dedication and commitment of each and every one at Kaiser Permanente. We know people have choices when it comes to their health care needs, and Kaiser Permanente is proud to have earned the trust of millions of residents across this region who depend on us for their health care needs.”

“Our physicians and care teams have a strong and unrelenting commitment to medical excellence,” said Ed Ellison, MD, executive medical director, Southern California Permanente Medical Group. “The NCQA designation reflects the expertise, dedication and focus of our physicians and health care professionals to delivering excellent, person-centered care each and every day designed around our patients’ medical and health needs.”

NCQA Report Cards examine how well doctors, other clinicians, practices, health insurance plans and other national health care organizations perform. Achieving recognition, accreditation and/or certification means there are processes in place that define the organizations as being “patient-centered.”

Click here [2] to view the full report card.

Kaiser Permanente wishes to recognize and thank the following individuals for their dedication (in alphabetical order)

Regional Quality and Regulatory Team:

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